What should I do if I get any signs of overuse when using Oralift? (click to see more)
Signs of overuse can occur when you are onboarding and also any other time when you are using Oralift. When onboarding the following should be regarded as signs of overuse:
- Any pain or discomfort on the face, head or neck
- Muscles trembling, lip trembling
- Start of a headache. If you get any of these you should stop and these will dictate your starting time.
These signs indicate the tension in your facial muscles and usually occur in people who clench or grind their teeth or are going through a stressful period in their life.
You should stop whenever you get any pain or discomfort. If you had to stop while doing the 5mm touch test, follow the App instructions and go on to mould the 3mm device.
Although people get concerned when they continue to experience signs of overuse, as long as they reduce wear time according to the App and very importantly reduce their parafunctional habits (clenching/grinding), they are likely to see improvements even with very little wear.
Please keep taking regular photographs and in these cases we recommend every 2 weeks.
After onboarding signs of overuse can occur while wearing the device or during the rest periods. All the above should be regarded as signs of Overuse. Skin can show increased wrinkles and these are usually around the mouth, eyes on forehead. These occur because muscles adapt very quickly but skin takes longer to recover. The rule to follow if you see any signs of overuse is to reduce the time you wear the Oralift by half and then increase the time gradually. If you notice anything you do not like, it should be regarded as a sign of overuse.
Not many people get signs of overuse. But if you do this is not a problem and in the rest period it will right itself.
People often ask if the face will go back to how it was if they stop using Oralift.
According to the Micro trauma theory the healing process starts as soon as you start wearing Oralift.
If for any reason you want to stop using Oralift, as long as you don't change any of your usual habits the face should go back to the way it was. In our experience we haven't come across this before, because even if you get signs of overuse you'll see improvements in the rest period.
You can always purchase a Zoom Support appointment to discuss any concerns:
- If you purchased the Oralift Basic package, all Zoom appointments are purchased in the Store.
- If you purchased Oralift Original, Group Zoom Support can be booked after onboarding is fully completed using your coupon. All other appointments can be purchased from the Store.